Our teams are trained for the removal of materials containing asbestos according to the highest standards established by the competent authorities.
According to the Canadian Centre for occupational health and safety at Work (CCOHS)asbestos is a mineral fibre. Each fiber has a length to width ratio of at least 3:1. According to their physical and chemical characteristics of asbestos fibres formed two groups; Serpentine (Chrysotile) and Amphibole (Crosidolite, Amosite, Actinolite, Anthophyllite, Tremolite).
Since its discovery, asbestos has been greatly used in several industrial sectors; construction (plaster, insulation, vermiculite, tiles, flocking, etc), automotive (brake, transmission, etc), textile (thermal protection) and many others, and for these physical and chemical characteristics; resistance to high temperatures, friction and wear, not broken, etc
Asbestos may be a health risk when it becomes friable and releases fibres into the air. These can be inhaled into the lungs and get into the respiratory tract.
Long-term exposure to asbestos fibres can cause asbestosis (fibrosis of the lung), lung cancer, or mesothelioma.
To avoid this kind of exposure, it is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of asbestos-containing materials and ensure that they are not brittle. In addition, it is necessary to call in the professional for all work involving this kind of material.
When a new acquisition of a building or house (built between 1930 and 1990), or if you plan to run a renovation, make sure that it does not contain friable materials containing asbestos deteriorated. This is done by performing the analysis by a certified laboratory (Sample-test-& analysis Service offered by Biovac System).
Biovac System Inc. is often called upon to work for removal of asbestos. In fact, whether it is for a withdrawal of vermiculite in the attic, under the floor or behind the walls, asbestos removal involving acoustic tiles, walls, or ceilings, plaster/gypsum panels, furnace, insulation or flocking, we are addressing the present by providing a fast and efficient service. In addition, our technicians are trained and certified to do this kind of work.
Please do not hesitate to call on our services. Quick response and submission FREE.
It is not nice to see that the water damage occurred in and of itself, has had consequences not desirable as the fungal growth (mold growth).
The molds are microorganisms that are part of the fungi. Their main role is the decomposition of organic matter (ACC82-2004). They scatter through their spores (reproductive structures) and are everywhere !!!
Given that they are naturally present on the outside, it is quite normal to find a background concentration in the buildings. This concentration depends on the environment in which it is the latter. Where it starts to be problematic, it is when the concentrations inside buildings are higher than those at the outside thereof. This implies that the mold spores that have accumulated on the inside have been found adequate conditions for their growth and developed. These conditions are : a substrate (nutrient), humidity and temperature.
Mold can affect our health. In fact, many symptoms (Headache, throat irritation, etc...) can appear after a certain time of exposure to fungal toxins(mold), leading to a deterioration of the health of the occupants. It should be noted that the persons whose immune system is deficient, are most at risk.
According to the Canadian Centre for occupational health and safety at Work (CCOHS) :’The humidity is the vital element for the growth of fungi and mould. This is why we find so often in the basement, in the kitchen and in the bathroom’. It is therefore important to maintain the level of the latter under acceptable levels, to prevent any fungal growth (mold growth).
Contrary to what is common, the mold is not always black, it may take a range of different colours...SO pay ATTENTION. It is important to watch for signs of a potential water infiltration, water damage, or even condensation (ring of water, peeling paint, floor, curled, etc)
The CMHC (Canadian mortgage and housing corporation) has issued recommendations in the guide Mold in homes information for the occupants of the First Nations, to prevent any fungal growth :
- Control moisture levels.
- Identify and control the leaks
- Operate the spillway of the bathroom, as needed
- Operate the hood as needed
- Be alert to a possible presence of mold.
If you confirm the presence of a fungal contamination, it will be necessary to proceed to a decontamination in good and due form, by following the protocols in force. The staff prior to the decontamination should secure the perimeter of the work to prevent cross-contamination.
We are able to proceed to the decontamination of your facilities contaminated, according to the protocols recommended by the competent authorities and within the timeframes set out at your convenience...Please do NOT HESITATE TO CALL on OUR SERVICES.
It is enough to consider the large number of devices used these days for the cleaning of the ventilation ducts to be aware of the technological advances of the last ten years.
- Air purifier
- Dehumidifier
- Vacuum cleaner HEPA
- System garbage chute

System of high-pressure cleaning
Led vertical and fall to waste